OkiDoki - VM High Availability for OpenStack
OkiDoki is a project to achieve VM High Availability for OpenStack platform.
It uses Masakari, Corosync, and Pacemaker.
Masakari: provides Instances High Availability Service for OpenStack
- recover KVM-based Virtual Machine(VM)s from failure events
- an API service to manage and control the automated rescue mechanism
Cluster stack: Corosync, Pacemaker, Pacemaker-remote for HA
- Corosync: cluster engine
- Pacemaker: resource manager
- Pacemaker-remote: lightweight resource manager for scalability. (corosync/pacemaker cluster has a limit of 16 nodes.)
OkiDoki Components
Controller nodes
- corosync/pacemaker
- masakari-api: Get notifications of instance/host failures from monitor
- masakari-engine: Process recovery workflow for instance/host failure
Compute nodes
- pacemaker-remote
- masakari-instancemonitor
- masakari-hostmonitor
masakari-processmonitor is not used by OkiDoki because openstack components are running as pods on kubernetes system. Kubernetes itself can handle nova-compute service failure.